Guest Post by Mandy L Cantrell

Last year I wrote The Collector: 3 Wayward Tales, a book comprised of three short stories on the dangers of "getting off course'". The premise is, an older eccentric gentleman with a curiosity shop, sells his stories, not his merchandise. Everything has a story, and every story has a price. In this first volume, the collector shares three stories of varying degrees of danger. The book was anticipated for print late fall but the third story in the book was, "curiously" enough, picked up by a publishing group as a stand-alone book! I am ecstatic about this opportunity and have high hopes for this one! 

The Collector will go forward with a replacement for the third story and should be available this winter. In the meantime, be sure to watch for updates on the release of A Fair in August, standing on its own and waiting with the publisher now for the final touches! This story is about a young, up and coming journalist eager to make her own way and surprised at the outcome when she does. It's a passionate story about boundaryless desire. 

It's curious that in making my own way with this story, it was not the way I'd anticipated either. It actually turned out better for me! Let's see how it goes for Millie Dawson, reporter for The Rush. Stay tuned...


After Acceptance: What To Expect


3 Thoughts… about writer’s block