Colorful Crow Publishing is currently closed to submissions. Please check back with us soon.

We typically look for writers in the following genres;

Fiction- southern fiction, realistic fiction, literary fiction, and coming-of-age. Will also consider poetry and short story.

Nonfiction- memoirs, journals, true crime, and religious works.

Please submit a query letter and your first ten pages by email to Please include your name and the title of your work in the subject line.

Your query letter should include a synopsis of your work and information about you as an author. Please give details about previously published works and any following you may have, i.e. social media, email campaign, blog, etc.

Your work should be sent using a font that is easy to read.

If you prefer to submit a hard copy, please reach out to let us know. Manuscripts sent by snail mail will not be returned.

We will inform you when an agent begins reviewing your work. Please allow up to six weeks for a response. If you have not heard from us in that time period, we have decided to pass. You are free to shop for another publisher during that time but ask that you inform us if your work has been accepted by another publishing house.

Questions? Contact us here!