What fees can I expect to pay when publishing with Colorful Crow?


Like all traditional publishing companies, we cover the costs involved in creating your book. We then earn a profit when the book sells- as do you!

Do you offer advances?

We do not currently offer advances on royalties.

How long does a publishing contract with Colorful Crow last?

Our contracts are for a two-year term. At the end of that term, you can choose to renew your contract with us.

What services do you provide?

We are a full-service publishing company that exists to seek talented authors whom we believe in and help them build and promote an author brand to assist in book sales and a lifelong successful writing career.

Full service covers everything from the submission of your manuscript to marketing your book.

  • Developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading

    We run manuscripts through 3 software programs that provide feedback based on the areas of show vs tell, word & phrase repetition, pacing, passive phrasing, shifts in tense, redundancies, word choice, point of view, generic descriptions, & more. Your work is then reviewed for mistakes and grammatical errors and a full report is provided for corrections. Our software compares your work to general fiction titles in the same genre and authors that write with your same writing style.

  • Cover design

    You are sent a cover design options form that will help us understand what your dream cover looks like. We then take those suggestions to create 3 cover options for you to choose from. You also have options for layout and design such as including an author photo, verbiage, etc.

  • Interior book design and layout

    We use formatting software that gives you options for formatting, font, & more. We are able to provide beautiful layouts that will help your book stand out among the competition.

  • Formatting and publishing of eBook

  • Distribution services and book sales

    We use the major distribution channels; Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Ingram as well as Apple & Kobo. We sell your books through our website, our bookshop.org storefront, and our social media channels. And we also work with bookstores local to you to negotiate the option of selling on consignment.

  • Marketing advice, mentorship, and guidance

    As our client, you are booked for a 1-hour appointment with our Creative Marketing Director who specializes in out-of-the-box marketing strategies. She will work with you to create a plan that works with your goals, schedule, and abilities. You’ll walk away with a written plan in place for building your brand and selling more books.

  • Ongoing marketing campaigns

    With Colorful Crow, you are not left alone to market and sell your books. Our contract with you does not end after printing- we are committed to actively working with our clients throughout the duration of their contract. Remember, we only make money if your book sells so we want to make sure your book sells! We break down our marketing campaigns into 3 categories; preprint, launch, and ongoing.

    Preprint: As soon as you sign with Colorful Crow, the promotion begins. We will work with you to strengthen your online presence and start spreading the word through strategic announcements, graphics, author interviews, & more. We start putting together a media kit that will be displayed on our website and is available for you to use however you see fit.

    Launch: When we have a release date for your book, we start spreading the word. We feature you in our newsletter, help you set up book signings in your area, create announcement graphics for social media use, host online countdowns & virtual release parties, and send press releases to local media outlets.

    Ongoing: We have relationships with book reviewers, bloggers, and online promoters that we utilize for each of our clients. We schedule social media posts in advance so you know when to look for them to share on your pages. We help you find book contests to submit to and even sell copies of your book at trade shows we participate in. We never stop looking for new ways to promote our authors and keep your books in our bookshops where we periodically run specials to drive traffic.

How long will it take to publish my book?

Once the contract is signed, it typically takes 8-12 months for your book to be released. Factors that could affect this timeframe are the number of revisions your book needs during editing and your availability to respond to emails, provide any information we need, and complete editing corrections.

Will I still own the rights to my book?

Yes, copyright stays with the author who grants Colorful Crow an exclusive license to publish the book for a term of 2 years at which time you can choose to renew your contract with us or take back your original manuscript to publish elsewhere. We retain rights to anything we contributed to your book including edits, cover design, and formatting.

Do you publish every manuscript you receive?

No, we are not able to accept most of the manuscripts that are submitted to us. We look for things like; a sellable storyline, memorable characters, and captivating concepts. We also look for a clean manuscript that can make the editing process more manageable and clear writing. We may take the time to meet with you prior to acceptance as we look for authors who we feel are a good fit for the Colorful Crow family. We hope to work with our authors on multiple projects throughout their careers.

Traditional Publishing Created With The Author In Mind
Throughout the publishing process, we consider the wants and needs of our authors as individuals. Production, publishing, and marketing of your book are handled by Colorful Crow Publishing.